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发布时间: 2019-06-19


系    所:大数据研究院

职    称:教授 博士生导师




美国德州大学达拉斯分校 博士

四川大学 硕士

北京师范大学 学士


主要研究方向:库存管理;供应链管理;电子商务;博弈论 ;统计学习、机器学习



GAN, X, Sethi, S. P., Xu, L. (2019). Simultaneous Optimization of Contingent and Advance Purchase Orders with Fixed Ordering Costs. OMEGA, 89, 227-241.

GAN, X., Feng, Q., & Sethi, S. P. (2019). Sourcing Contract under Countervailing Incentives. Production and Operations Management, 28 (10), 2486-2499.

Yan, X., Gan, X., Wang, R., Qin, T. (2022). Self-attention eidetic 3D-LSTM: Video prediction models for traffic flow forecasting. Neurocomputing, 509, 167-176.

Gan,X.,Feng,Q.,&Sethi,S.P.,(2019).Sourcing Contract Under Countervailing Incentives. Production and Operations Management,28(10),2846-2499.

Gan,X.,Sethi,S.P.,& Xu,L.,(2019).Simultaneous Optimization of Contingent and Advance Purchase Orders with Fixed Ordering Costs.OMEGA,67,227-241.

He,B.,Gan,X.,Yuan,K.(2019). Entry of online presale of fresh produce: A competitive analysis. European Journal of Operational Research,272,339-351.

Gan, X., Sethi, S. P., & Yan, H. (2004). Coordinating Supply Chains with Risk-Averse Agents. Production

and Operations Management, 13 (2), 135-149.(Google Scholar引用:501,此文在当年世界生产和运作管理年会上获得最佳论文奖)

Gan, X., Sethi, S. P., & Yan, H. (2005). Channel Coordination with a Risk-Neutral Supplier and a Downside-

Risk-Averse Retailer. Production and Operations Management, 14 (1), 80-89. (Google Scholar引用:495)

Gan, X., Sethi, S. P., & Zhou, J. (2010). Commitment-Penalty Contracts in Drop-Shipping Supply Chains

with Asymmetric Demand Information. European Journal of Operational Research, 204 (2010), 449-462. (Google Scholar引用:156)

Cakanyildirim, M., Feng, Q., Gan, X., & Sethi, S. P. (2012). Contracting and Coordination under Asym-

metric Production Cost Information. Production and Operations Management, 21 (1), 345-360. (Google Scholar引用:142)

Zhao, M., Wang, Y., Gan, X. (2016). Signalling effect of daily deal promotion for a start-up service provider. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 67, 280-293.


刘诗白奖励基金优秀科研成果奖二等奖 2020年

世界生产和运作管理年会最佳论文奖第一名 2004年


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