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发布时间: 2019-06-19





2015.9-2018.6 伦敦大学玛丽女皇学院 管理学博士

2012.9-2015.7 四川大学 硕士

2007.9-2011.7 重庆大学 学士



Publications in English

1. Pan, X., Chen, X., Sinha, P., & Dong, N. 2019. Are firms with state ownership greener? An institutional complexity view. Business Strategy and the Environment. (accepted)

2. Pan, X., Chen, X., & Li, X. 2019. Financial Constraints, Agency Costs and R&D Investment Inefficiency: Evidence from China. International Journal of Technology Management. (accepted)

3. Pan, X., Chen, X., Yang, M., & Chen, X. 2019. Dare to be different? Investigating the relationship between analyst categorisation hierarchies and corporate social responsibility (CSR) conformity. Business Ethics: A European Review. (accepted)

4. Pan, X., Ning, L., & Shi, L. 2019. Visualisation and determinations of hub locations: Evidence from China's interregional trade network. Research in Transportation Economics, 75: 36-44.

5. Pan, X., Chen, X., & Li, X. 2019. To fit in or stand out? How optimal distinctiveness in technological diversification affects firm performance. European Management Journal, 37(1): 67-77.

6. Pan, X., Wang, F., & Ning, L. 2018. Technological upgrading in Chinese cities: The roles of FDI, pace and rhythm. Asian Journal of Technology Innovation, 26(1): 47-58.

7. Pan, X., Chen, X., & Ning, L. 2018. The roles of macro and micro institutions in corporate social responsibility (CSR): Evidence from listed firms in China. Management Decision, 56(5): 955-971.

8. Pan, X., Chen, X. (2018). Exploitative technological diversification, environmental contexts, and firm performance. Management Decision, 56(7):1613-1629.

9. Pan, X., Chen, X., & Ning, L. 2017. Why do inconsistencies occur? Detangling the relationship between technological diversification and performance in Chinese firms. Asian Journal of Technology Innovation, 25(3): 407-427.

10. Wang, D., Sutherland, D., Ning, L., Wang, Y., & Pan, X. 2018. Exploring the influence of political connections and managerial overconfidence on R&D intensity in China's large-scale private sector firms. Technovation, 69: 40-53.

11. Wang, Y., Pan, X., Li, J., & Ning, L. (2016). Does technological diversification matter for regional innovation capability? Evidence from China. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 28(3), 323-334.

12. Wang, Y., Sutherland, D., Ning, L., & Pan, X. (2015). The evolving nature of China's regional innovation systems: Insights from an exploration–exploitation approach. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 100, 140-152.

13. Wang, Y., Pan, X., Ning, L., Li, J., & Chen, J. (2015). Technology exchange patterns in China: An analysis of regional data. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 40(2), 252-272.

14. Wang, Y., Pan, X., Wang, X., Chen, J., Ning, L., & Qin, Y. (2014). Visualizing knowledge space: A case study of Chinese licensed technology, 2000–2012. Scientometrics, 98(3), 1935-1954

Publications in Chinese

1. 潘鑫, 王元地, 金珺 和 陈劲. (2015). 区域创新体系模式及演化分析-基于开发-探索模式的视角. 研究与发展管理, 27(1), 61-68.

2. 潘鑫, 王元地 和 金珺. (2014a). 技术多元化与区域创新能力关系研究. 科技进步与对策, 34(16), 38-42.

3. 潘鑫, 王元地 和 金珺. (2014b). 技术多元化前因探究:基于省级数据的分析. 科学学与科学技术管理, 34(6), 27-33.

4. 潘鑫, 王元地 和 金珺. (2013). 基于区域专利视角的科技政策作用分析. 科学学与科学技术管理, 34(12), 13-21.

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