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发布时间: 2019-06-19










2006-2010 东北林业大学 信息管理与信息系统 学士

2011-2017 华中科技大学 计算机软件与理论 博士(硕博连读)

2014-2015 香港理工大学 物流与供应链 联合培养




[1]Bo Peng, Donghao Liu, Zhipeng Lü, Rafael Marti, Junwen Ding, 2020, Adaptive memory programming for the dynamic bipartite drawing problem, Information Sciences. 2020.517:183-197. (SWUFE A Journal)

[2]Bo Peng, Yuan Zhang, T.C.E. Cheng, Zhipeng Lü, Abraham P.Punnen, A two-individual based path-relinking algorithm for the satellite broadcast scheduling problem. Knowledge-Based Systems. 2020,196:105774. (SWUFE A Journal)

[3]彭博,卢晨贝, 赵岳虎, 苏宙行, 廖毅, 吕志鹏;求解增量二分图优化问题的动态规划驱动的局部搜索算法,中国科学:信息科学. 2020, http://engine.scichina.com/doi/10.1360/SSI-2019-0122. (SWUFE A+ Journal)

[4]Bo Peng, Yuan Zhang, T.C.E. Cheng, Zhipeng Lü, Fred Glover, 2020, A Learning-based Memetic Algorithm for the Multiple Vehicle Pickup and Delivery Problem with LIFO Loading,Computers and Industrial Engineering. 2020.142:106241. (SWUFE B Journal)

[5]Bo Peng, Lifan Wu, Yuxin Yi, Xiding Chen, 2020, Solving the multi-depot green vehicle routing problem by a hybrid evolutionary algorithm, Sustainbility,12(5),2127. (SWUFE B Journal)

[6]Bo Peng,Yuan Zhang, Yuvraj Gajpal, Xiding Chen, 2020, A Memetic algorithm for the Green Vehicle Routing Problem, Sustainbility,11(21),6055. (SWUFE B Journal)

[7] Dieudonné Nijimbere, Songzheng Zhao, Haichao Liu,Bo Peng, and Aijun Zhang, 2019, A Hybrid Metaheuristic of Integrating Estimation of Distribution Algorithm with Tabu Search for the Max-Mean Dispersion Problem,Mathematical Problems in Engineering,https://doi.org/10.1155/2019/7104702.(SWUFE B Journal)

[8] Yongliang Lu, Una Benlic, Qinghua Wu,Bo Peng, 2019, Memetic algorithm for the multiple traveling repairman problem with profits. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 80 (2019): 35-47. (SWUFE B Journal)

[9] Junwen Ding, Liji Shen, Zhipeng Lü,Bo Peng, 2019, Parallel machine scheduling with completion-time-based criteria and sequence-dependent deterioration sequence-dependent deterioration, Computers and Operations Research, 2019, 103: 35-45. (SWUFE B Journal)

[10]Bo Peng, Liu Mengqi, Lü Zhipeng, Gary Kochengber, Wang Haibo. An ejection chain approach for the quadratic multiple knapsack problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 2016, 253(2): 328-336. (SWUFE A Journal)

[11]Bo Peng, Lü Zhipeng, Cheng T.C.E.. A tabu search/path-relinking algorithm to solve the job shop scheduling problem. Computers & Operations Research, 2015, 53: 154-164(SWUFE B Journal)

[12] Zhou Taoqing, Lü Zhipeng,Wang Yang, Junwen Ding,Bo Peng*. Multistart iterated tabu search for the minimum weight vertex cover problem. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 2015: 1-17. (SWUFE B Journal)

[13] Qin Tao,Bo Peng, Benlic Una, Cheng T.C.E., Wang Yang, Lü Zhipeng. Iterated local search based on multi-type perturbation for single-machine earliness/tardiness scheduling. Computers & Operations Research, 2015, 61: 81-88. (SWUFE B Journal)

[14]Cheng T.C.E.,Bo Peng, Lü Zhipeng. A hybrid evolutionary algorithm to solve the job shop scheduling problem. Annals of Operational Research. 2013, 1-15. (SWUFE A Journal)



国际调度大赛资格赛全球第五 (https://gent.cs.kuleuven.be/mista2013challenge/results.html)


[1]中央高校基本科研业务费 “无人机配送问题的智能算法研究”,在研。

[2]中央高校基本科研业务费 “增量图优化问题的智能算法研究”,完研。

[3] 国家自然科学基金面上项目“光网络规划流量疏导优化”,项目编号:61370183,参研。

[4] 教育部“面向频率分配问题的混合算法研究”, 项目编号:20110142120081,参研。

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