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发布时间: 2019-06-19

施 思

系 所:旅游管理系、旅游管理研究所

职 称:教授、博士生导师



2011.9—2014.9 香港浸会大学 博士

2007.9—2011.9 中国人民大学 学士




西南财经大学js333线路登录教授,西南财经大学首批光华百人学者。主持和主研了20余项国家级和省部级科研项目(包括国家自然科学基金、国家社会科学基金、教育部人文社会科学基金、香港教资会额外资助教学相关计划、中央高校基本科研项目等)。担任Decision Support Systems(SCI期刊)和Internet Research(SCI期刊)的专刊客座副主编。担任国际期刊《Information & Management》、《Tourism Management》、《International Journal of Hospitality Management》、《Journal of Business Research》等的审稿专家。

国内外期刊和会议论文集上发表了约 40篇高质量论文,包括Information Systems Journal (IF:7.77), Computers in Human Behavior (IF:8.96), Tourism Management (IF:12.88), International Journal of Information Management (IF:18.96), Journal of Travel Research (IF:8.93), Internet Research (IF:6.35) , International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management(IF:9.32),南开管理评论 (IF: 7.21),旅游学刊 (IF: 4.54)等。

成果获得了多项荣誉,例如文化和旅游部优秀研究成果三等奖(2018),ESI高被引论文(2021),西南财经大学优秀科研成果奖(2022)等。个人荣获西南财经大学优秀科研工作者(2021,2019),西南财经大学优秀硕士论文指导教师(2021),Emerald Literati Network“杰出审稿人”等称号。主持多项省级和校级教改项目,获西南财经大学青年教师教学竞赛二等奖、js333线路登录青年教师教学竞赛一等奖、西南财经大学优秀硕士论文导师、西南财经大学优秀教学工作者等多项荣誉。





Shi, S., Chen, Y. & Cheung, C. M. (In press), “How technostressors influence job and family satisfaction: Exploring the role of work–family conflict”, Information Systems Journal.

Wu, X., Zhang, M. &Shi, S.* (In press), “Understanding customers’ interactive experience in immersive performing art: a narrative transportation perspective”, Nankai Business Review International.

Shi, S., Leung, W.K.S., & Munelli, F. (2022), “Gamification in OTA platforms: A mixed-methods research involving online shopping carnival”, Tourism Management, 88, 104426.

Leung, W.K.S., Chang, M.K., Cheung, M.L., &Shi, S.* (2022), “Swift trust development and prosocial behavior in time banking: A trust transfer and social support theory perspective”, Computers in Human Behavior, 107137.

Lv, H.,Shi, S.*,& Gursoy, D. (2022), “A look back and a leap forward: A review and synthesis of big data and artificial intelligence literature in hospitality and tourism”, Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 31(2), 145-175.

Leung, W.K.S., Cheung, M.L., Chang, M.K.,Shi, S.*, Tse, S.Y. & Yusrini, L. (2022), "The role of virtual reality interactivity in building tourists’ memorable experiences and post-adoption intentions in the COVID-19 era", Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 13(3), 481-499.

Leung, W.K.S., Chang, M.K., Cheung, M.L., &Shi, S.*(2022), “VR tourism experiences and tourist behavior intention in COVID-19: An experience economy and mood management perspective”, Information Technology & People, DOI: 10.1108/ITP-06-2021-0423.

Lin, H.X.,Shi, S.*, & Gursoy, D. (2022), “Destination experiencescape: Conceptualization and scale development amid COVID-19 pandemic”, Current Issues in Tourism, 25(24), 4047-4074.

Leung, W.K.S., Chang, M.K., Cheung, M.L., &Shi, S.*(2022), “Understanding consumers’ post-consumption behaviors in C2C social commerce: the role of functional and relational customer orientation”, Internet Research, 32(4), 1131-1167.

施思,黄晓波,张梦. 沉浸其中就可以了吗?——沉浸体验和意义体验对旅游演艺游客满意度影响研究[J]. 旅游学刊, 2021, 36(301): 46-59.

Shi, S., Gong, Y., & Gursoy, D. (2021), "Antecedents of trust and adoption intention toward artificially intelligent recommendation systems in travel planning: A heuristic–systematic model", Journal of Travel Research, 60(8), 1714-1734.

Zhang, Y.,Shi, S.*, Guo, S. J., Chen, X. G., Piao Z. R. (2021), “Audience management, online turbulence and lurking in social networking services: A transactional process of stress perspective”, International Journal of Information Management, 56, 102233.

Zhang, M.Y., Gursoy, D., Zhu, Z.Y.,Shi, S.* (2021), “Impact of anthropomorphic features of artificially intelligent service robots on consumer acceptance: moderating role of sense of humor”, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 33(11), 3883-3905.

Huang, Y., Zhang, M., Gursoy, D., &Shi, S.*(2020), “An examination of interactive effects of employees’ warmth and competence and service failure types on customer’s service recovery cooperation intention”, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 32 (7), 2429-2451.

Shi, S., Wang, Y., Chen, X. Z., Zhang, Q. (2020), “Conceptualization of omnichannel customer experience and its impact on shopping intention: A mixed-method approach”, International Journal of Information Management, 50, 325-336.

Shi, S., Dogan, G., Chen, L. J. (2019), “Conceptualizing home-sharing lodging experience and its impact on destination image perception: A mixed method approach”, Tourism Management, 75, 245-256.

Leung, W. K. S.,Shi, S.*,Chow, W. S. (2019), “Impacts of user interactions on trust development in C2C social commerce”, Internet Research, 30(1), 335-356.

Shi, S., Cao, Y., Chen, Y., Chow, W. S. (2019), “How social media brand pages contribute to functional conflict: The central role of commitment”, International Journal of Information Management, 45, 95-106.

Shi, S., Mu, R., Lin, L., Chen, Y., Kou, G. and Chen, X.J. (2018), "The impact of perceived online service quality on swift Guanxi: Implications for customer repurchase intention", Internet Research, 28(2), 432-455.

Shi,S., Chen, Y., & Chow, W.S. (2016). “Key values driving continued interaction on brand pages in social media: An examination across genders”, Computers in Human Behavior, 62, 578-589.

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