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发布时间: 2022-08-15


出生日期 :1982年3月21日






2021.02至今 西南财经大学js333线路登录,特聘教授

2020.03—2021.02 中国科学院系统所,副研究员

2012.07—2020.03 中国科学院系统所,助理研究员



2005.09—2010.01 清华大学数学系,理学博士

2001.09—2005.07 清华大学数学系,理学学士


[1]Junbo Wang, Yun Wang, Chunchi Wu, Xiaoguang Yang and Lin Zhao, 2021. Social Proximity, Information, and Incentives in Local Bank Lending.Review of Corporate Finance Studies. Forthcoming.

[2]James David, Michael Hoy and Lin Zhao, 2022. Revisiting Comparisons of Income Inequality When Lorenz Curves Intersect.Social Choice and Welfare, 58: 101-109.

[3]Shangrong Jiang, Yuze Li, Shouyang Wang and Lin Zhao, 2022. Blockchain Competition: The Tradeoff between Platform Stability and Efficiency.European Journal of Operational Research, 296: 1084-1097.

[4]Manel Baucells and Lin Zhao, 2020. Everything in Moderation: Foundations and Applications of the Satiation Model.Management Science, 66: 5701-5719.

[5]Rachel Huang, Larry Tzeng and Lin Zhao, 2020. Fractional Degree Stochastic Dominance.Management Science, 66, 4359-4919.

[6]Rachel Huang, Larry Tzeng, Jr-Yan Wang and Lin Zhao, 2020. Comment on “Aging Population, Retirement, and Risk Taking”.Management Science, 66, 2792-2795.

[7]Jing Ai, Lin Zhao and Wei Zhu, 2020. Precautionary Effort, Self-Control and Competitive Equilibrium in Insurance Markets.Journal of Risk and Insurance, 87, 751-782.

[8]Dongmei Guo, Shouyang Wang and Lin Zhao, 2020. More Stringent Cap or Higher Penalty Fee? Dealing with Procrastination in Environmental Protection.Annals of Economics and Finance, 21, 41-69.

[9]Rachel Huang, Larry Tzeng, Jr-Yan Wang and Lin Zhao, 2020. Operational Asymptotic Stochastic Dominance.European Journal of Operational Research, 280, 312-322.

[10]Haoyu Gao, Junbo Wang, Xiaoguang Yang and Lin Zhao, 2020. Borrower Opacity and Loan Performance: Evidence from China.Journal of Financial Services Research, 57, 181-206.

[11]Manel Baucells and Lin Zhao, 2019. It Is Time to Get Some Rest.Management Science, 65, 1717-1734.

[12]Jing Ai, Lin Zhao and Wei Zhu, 2018. Portfolio Choice in Personal Equilibrium.Economics Letters, 170, 163-167.

[13]Frank Y. Feng, Michael R. Powers, Ruian Xiao and Lin Zhao, 2017. Berry-Esseen Bounds for Compound-Poisson Loss Percentiles.Scandinavian Actuarial Journal, 6, 519-534.

[14]Jing Ai, Lin Zhao and Wei Zhu, 2016. Contracting with Present-Biased Consumers in Insurance Markets.Geneva Risk and Insurance Review, 41, 107-148.

[15]Dongmei Guo, Yi Hu, Shouyang Wang and Lin Zhao, 2016. Comparing Risks with Reference Points: A Stochastic Dominance Approach.Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 70, 105-116.

[16]Yi-Chieh Huang, Larry Tzeng and Lin Zhao, 2015.Comparative Ambiguity Aversion and Downside Ambiguity Aversion.Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 62, 257-269.

[17]Lihong Zhang and Lin Zhao, 2013.Quantifying the Impact of Partial Information on Sharpe Ratio Optimization.Probability in Engineering and Informational Sciences, 27, 375-402.

[18]Lin Zhao and Wei Zhu, 2011. Ambiguity Aversion: A New Perspective on Insurance Pricing.ASTIN Bulletin: Journal of International Actuarial Association, 41, 157-189.

[19]Bingzheng Chen, Lihong Zhang and Lin Zhao, 2010. On the Robustness of Longevity Risk Pricing.Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 47, 358-373.


[1]Li Ma and Lin Zhao, 2010. Classification of Positive Solitary Solutions of the Nonlinear Choquard Equation.Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 195, 455-467.

[2]Li Ma and Lin Zhao, 2010. Stability for the Time-Dependent Hartree Equation with Positive Energy.Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 362, 114-124.

[3]Xianfa Song and Lin Zhao, 2010. Gradient Estimates for the Elliptic and Parabolic Lichnerowicz Equations on Compact Manifolds.Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 61, 655-662.

[4]Li Ma, Xianfa Song and Lin Zhao, 2009. On Global Rough Solutions to a Nonlinear Schrodinger System.Glasgow Mathematical Journal, 51, 499-511.

[5]Li Ma and Lin Zhao, 2009. On Energy Stability for the Coupled Nonlinear Schrodinger System.Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 60, 774-784.

[6]Li Ma, Xianfa Song and Lin Zhao, 2010. New Monotonicity Formulae for Semilinear Elliptic and Parabolic Systems.Chinese Annals of MathematicsB, 31, 411-432.

[7]Li Ma and Lin Zhao, 2008. Uniqueness of Ground States of Some Coupled Nonlinear Schrodinger Systems and Their Application.Journal of Differential Equations, 245, 2551-2565.

[8]Li Ma and Lin Zhao, 2008. Sharp Thresholds of Blow-Up and Global Existence for the Coupled Nonlinear Schrodinger System.Journal of Mathematical Physics, 49, 062103.

[9]Li Ma and Lin Zhao, 2008. Regularity for Positive Weak Solutions to Semi-Linear Elliptic Equations.Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis, 7, 631-643.

[10]Li Ma and Lin Zhao, 2007. Blow-Up of Solutions to the Nonlinear Schrodinger Equations on Manifolds.Journal of Mathematical Physics, 48, 053519.

[11]Li Ma, Lin Zhao and Xianfa Song, 2007. Gradient Estimate for the Degenerate Parabolic Equation on Manifolds.Journal of Differential Equations, 244, 1157-1177.

[12]Li Ma, Cong Li and Lin Zhao, 2007. Monotone Solutions to a Class of Elliptic and Diffusion Equations.Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis, 6, 237-246.


2022—2026 国家杰出青年科学基金项目《行为决策分析》

2022—2026 自然科学基金重点项目《数字经济背景下的合作和竞争行为:基于实验和实证数据的研究》,子课题负责人





2021—2022 阿里平台研发课题《多场景协同促销机制设计与智能化运营方案》











2022至今 入选四川省重点人才项目


2021至今 西南财经大学光华杰出学者计划特聘教授

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